Thursday, September 29, 2011


If you are ready to take a serious step in your weight loss and conditioning journey, the Warrior Package is for you.  This program is designed to provide the highest quality of training and producing the fastest results.  Anyone from Mixed Martial Arts professionals, athletes, and hardcore fitness fanatics to housewives, general fitness enthusiast and those in between can use this system to achieve their desired results.

The complete Warrior Package includes:

·        Kettlebell orientation.

·        Warrior diet nutritional counseling from the only certified Warrior
diet trainer in Texas!

·        Underground strength and conditioning and kettlebell training at the
only facility recommended to train at in Texas in the Kettlebells for Dummies book!

·        CrossFit classes with CrossFit Seguin co-owner David Butler.

·        Walk through session at the grocery store so you will know what to buy and why!

…. And Much More!


1.5 hour session - $80.00

Package of 6 sessions - $420.00 ($70.00/session)

Package of 12 sessions - $720.00 ($60.00/session)

Payment plans and other package options are available.

For more information contact:

David Butler, RKC,WDCT,CF-1


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Todays WOD

Todays WOD os a modified version of the "circuit of doom"

25 double unders
10 double kettlebell swings
25 double unders
10 double Kettlebell cleans
25 double unders
10 double kettlebell press
25 double unders
10 double kettlebell squats

              X 4

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Is breakfast really the most important meal of the day?

Most people will tell you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day but that is not necessarily true. It may actually be whats holding you back. The main meals eaten for breakfast (bacon, toast, cereal,) cause an insulin spike and/or tax the digestive system once spiked your system will eventually crash unless you spike the insulin again. most people suggest grains because they last longer as compared to simple carbs like sugar which drop off immediately. this is one of the reasons (there are more) people are instructed to eat every 2 to 3 hours. but there are other biological factors which are not addressed such as how the neurological system works with the catobolic and anabolic modes, how they are triggered via food and how if constantly eating throughout the day your body never really gets a rest from processing food constantly. A good way to catch a break would be to fast but this is hard for most people and you feel weak and drained for the day that you do. Another option would be to follow the Warrior Diet under eating cycle using subtle food like fruits and raw veggies instead. So instead of a big heavy insulin spiking breakfast have some low glycemic fruit, few eggs or veggies so start out your day. You will feel more energized and less sluggish thorough the day and your body will catch a break from the constant taxation of the digestive system. For more information on the warrior diet feel free to contact me via email at

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Todays WOD

I decided to post today's WOD here ;)

21 thrusters (M95#/F65#)
15 pull ups
2 laps
X 4

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Crossfit in the news!

Check out this news report from this weekends FGB6 event. Crossfit Seguin's own Rick Gaitan and Scott Franks can be seen participating in the video.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Here are some of the pictures of the CrossFit Seguin Crew at the FGB event last weekend! Thanks Gerald for the Pictures!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Bastrop fire donations

Seguin MMA and Lulling MMA are taking donations for the families who were affected by the fires. For more information contact King Webb at

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

New PR

I recently beat my Personal record on the Crossfit WOD "Karen". This last month has been a PR killing month for all the crossfit Seguin members.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

FIght Gone Bad

Anyone Interested in the FGB6 competition Saturday, September 17th can click on the registration link below. Come out and participate or support our team!  After party at the gym :)