Thursday, September 22, 2011

Is breakfast really the most important meal of the day?

Most people will tell you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day but that is not necessarily true. It may actually be whats holding you back. The main meals eaten for breakfast (bacon, toast, cereal,) cause an insulin spike and/or tax the digestive system once spiked your system will eventually crash unless you spike the insulin again. most people suggest grains because they last longer as compared to simple carbs like sugar which drop off immediately. this is one of the reasons (there are more) people are instructed to eat every 2 to 3 hours. but there are other biological factors which are not addressed such as how the neurological system works with the catobolic and anabolic modes, how they are triggered via food and how if constantly eating throughout the day your body never really gets a rest from processing food constantly. A good way to catch a break would be to fast but this is hard for most people and you feel weak and drained for the day that you do. Another option would be to follow the Warrior Diet under eating cycle using subtle food like fruits and raw veggies instead. So instead of a big heavy insulin spiking breakfast have some low glycemic fruit, few eggs or veggies so start out your day. You will feel more energized and less sluggish thorough the day and your body will catch a break from the constant taxation of the digestive system. For more information on the warrior diet feel free to contact me via email at

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